
Posts Tagged ‘SATC2’

If you’ve seen Sex and the City 2, you surely lusted over that to-die-for blue tiered Halston dress that Carrie rocks with perfection.

Big time props to BarelyVogue for finding this beautiful alternative that won’t require several paychecks to purchase! It also comes in black, teal, and coral on GoJane.com-aren’t they totally gorgeous? This dress would be perfect to wear to one of the many upcoming weddings I have this year. Thank you thank you, Barely Vogue!

gojane.com, tiered-accordion-pleat-tank dress, $32.80

After becoming so enchanted by this lovely dress, I hunted around GoJane a little more and was giddy to see another Carrie-esque impersonator. Remember this?

Why not dress yourself in this

gojane.com, solid color v-neck dress, $32.80

I was in love with these dresses Carrie wore the second they appeared on the big screen, so I’m getting that giddy anxious feeling that happens when I find things like this…

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